Carrot Roast

I'm always on the lookout for new main entrees for dinner.  Although this isn't a new recipe, I've never made it before but it's been in my files for years.  I believe I copied this from one of Mom's old cookbooks along with several other recipes I thought I'd like to try.  I've had a couple of recipes on the list to make in the next week or so and this one won out today because it didn't need bread crumbs.  I have no bread or bread crumbs in the house but I have bread rising as I type but none in the cupboard or freezer.  

So, I made this for dinner and it was delicious.  I knew it would be tasty because it smelled so good while it was baking.  I baked the roast in two 8x8-inch dishes because we are only two and the larger roast would have been too large for us to eat in a timely manner. It would be a little thicker if it had been baked in the one 9x13-inch dish.  I froze the extra roast and we'll have that at another meal, soon.

We also had the left-overs made into sandwiches for supper so if you have a family of at least four, go ahead and bake it in the larger dish.  You'll enjoy the left-overs in sandwiches as we did.  

Carrot Roast 
1 large onion, chopped 
1 tablespoon oil or butter
3 cups grated carrots
1½ cups corn flakes, Special K or Rice Krispies
1½ cups crushed crackers (I used whole grain crackers)
½ cup finely chopped walnuts
½ cup grated cheddar cheese
3 eggs
2 cups milk
½ teaspoon salt
Sage OR savory to taste (I used ¼ teaspoon sage and 1 teaspoon savory)

Preheat oven to 350 degrees.  Grease a 9x13-inch baking dish.

Over medium heat, sauté onions in the oil or butter. In a large bowl, combine all other ingredients with sautéed onions. Mix thoroughly.  Place mixture in prepared baking dish. 

Bake 50-60 minutes. Serve with your favorite gravy. 

Makes 15 servings.

Assemble all the ingredients.  Don't forget to sauté the onions or you may have crunchy onions in the finished roast.

Mix all the ingredients together, combining everything well.  It will look wet but the cereal and cracker crumbs will absorb the liquid as it bakes.

I divided the roast into two smaller dishes because the large roast is too much for us to eat at one time.  We ate one and I froze the second roast for another day. 

The smaller roast took only 35 minutes to bake.  The larger roast will take closer to an hour to bake.

Today we had the roast with, baked red potatoes, farm-fresh corn, lettuce, and green and yellow beans.  Mmmmm....what a tasty dinner.

The roast can be served plain or with your favourite gravy.  I keep gravy mixes on hand if anyone wants gravy with their dinner.

 Left-over roast made delicious sandwiches.

 What a tasty dinner!


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